Microaggressions & Unconscious Bias

Microaggressions & Unconscious Bias: (Up to 4 hours)

An interactive session where participants begin or continue un-learning habits and standards which can lead to perpetuating microaggressions and unconscious biases. We will explore the roots of microaggressions and unconscious bias – including examining how un-checked power, privilege and oppression results in various forms of discrimination – even unintentionally. Using practical exercises, participants will practice how to recognize and respond to microaggressions and unconscious biases as they arise.

Topics Covered:

  • Exploring multiple forms of unconscious bias and how they influence personal and professional decision-making

  • Understanding how microaggressions operate on various levels – including macroaggressions vs. microaggressions, micro-insults, micro-assaults and micro-invalidations

  • Examining how power, privilege and oppression impact personal and professional power dynamics

  • Building inclusive practices – including around recruitment, retention, promotions and interactions between colleagues and/or clients

Outcomes and Takeaways:

  • Ability to name, recognize and respond to microaggressions and unconscious bias

  • Strategies to create more equitable outcomes from policies, practices and procedures

  • Text and media resources to support current and continued learning